Press Release
Press Release
VJ Application demo (2011)

Built over 8 months in max msp jitter, development continues. Using my laptop web cam and external camera to capture my surroundings live. Using the incoming light from the camera i alter the shape of the light with the changing amplitude of the incoming audio

Shadow (2010)

The work challenges audience expectations of the relationship between light, movement and sound. The piece utilizes a variety of technologies (Arduino, 3-axis accelerometer, Max/MSP) to allow the movement of the human body to manipulate sound and light outputs. Performed at PlatformNorthEast

Press Release
VJ Application demo (2011)
Shadow (2010)
Press Release
VJ Application demo (2011)

Built over 8 months in max msp jitter, development continues. Using my laptop web cam and external camera to capture my surroundings live. Using the incoming light from the camera i alter the shape of the light with the changing amplitude of the incoming audio

Shadow (2010)

The work challenges audience expectations of the relationship between light, movement and sound. The piece utilizes a variety of technologies (Arduino, 3-axis accelerometer, Max/MSP) to allow the movement of the human body to manipulate sound and light outputs. Performed at PlatformNorthEast

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