The Incomprehensible Nature of Being

A place of infinite space, boundless borders and everchanging places

"People are disturbed not by things, but by the view they take of them." -Epictetus

Within the tapestry of human consciousness, there exists a profound perception of uniqueness. This perception becomes the cornerstone upon which our species has constructed its entire understanding of existence.

To render the vast and intricate nature of existence more comprehensible, humanity has woven frameworks and theories, essentially crafting a scaled-down version of the immense reality. This creation of a scale, empowers individuals to grasp and engage with the concept of existence, even if its true scale remains beyond complete comprehension. In essence, this process highlights our species inclination to simplify and domesticate the profound and incomprehensible facets of existence in the relentless pursuit of understanding.

As we delve into the intricacies of the past, a discernible structure emerges, unlocking valuable insights into forecasting future frameworks. Yet, the future's potential structure often carries the weight of assumptions, providing fertile ground for the growth of bias. Navigating these speculations underscores the need for cautious steps.

In stark contrast, the present moment unfolds without a predetermined structure; it is an ever-shifting canvas moulded by individual perceptions. Within this present moment, freedom thrives, untouched by resistance for there is no pursuit but only if actively chosen.

This is part 3 of a larger project began in 2011. Part 1 of this phase is here.