Homless man lying in sun

Capture fast, texture moments, fragment moments


My appreciation of John Constable and L.S Lowry began after moving to London following regular visits to the National Gallery. My favourite time - dropping in on Friday after work on the way home. Late openings meant I could take in the odd ‘matchstick men’ paintings and sit until closing taking in a view of The Hay Wain. Noise cancelling headphones switched on, sitting in silence on a bench. Bliss.


For a year, every Monday to Friday I’d take my lunch break at work in a park nearby to ‘quick fire’ sketch as many people as I could. I’d wander off at weekends around the city from time to time taking my sketchbook with me. Drawings followed a strict set of rules.

1. Draw with conviction — therefore pen only (I previously only used pencil)

2. Still the mind and follow the pen (there is no subject, only process. A successful outcome is following the process)

3. Each drawing must be completed in one sitting however long it takes